Thursday, October 27, 2011

Rock Solid

In September Ciona Thompson, Blake Beggs, and Kate Godlien helped to put on Rock Solid. A leadership program focused on grade 8's

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Some updates

Stuff has been happening and I haven'tsaid anything about it yet so:

First we have a newspaper clipping for Julia Halwa who helped chair our schools pink day and the breakfeast club

Here's another newspaper clipping about the breakfast club, I realize it isn't exactly readable, but I will post a quick rundown soon.

Next I have a write up from Kate Godlien who got the entire school in mad dash to raise money for a charity called "Change for Change"

"Change for Change was a blitz initiative where we were raising money to help provide food, medicine and general aid for the refugees of Somalia. Through fundraising at the Windermere Fall Fair, going class to class to explain the situation and receiving generous donations during the lunch hours we were able to contribute $1600. This was an overwhelming success for an eight day fundraising effort. "

More updates to come!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hi everybody

This is really a test more than anything, but: hi everybody, I'm Baxter and I'll be your new DTSS leadership blog writer. Exciting right? I'll be updating the blog with this years leadership news and events, how things went, what we raised money for, etc.