Monday, November 1, 2010


Remembrance Day Assembly
Remembrance Day Assembly at DTSS was hosted by Rob Minhas(Gr/12) and McKylynn Snihor(Gr.11), who welcomed representatives from the local legion and mc'eed the ceremony, which ended with  (Vancouver Film School -bound) DTSS student Lucas Putnam's stunning video on war and remembrance.
"Movember' was a community /school partnership in November  that involved the Rockies, the town of Invermere and the high school, with an inumberable amount of activities created to build towards increased awareness of prostate cancer.  Chair: Gracy Jones, Gr.11

"Pumpkin Tournament"
November began with Leadership students competing in the "26th Annual Pumpkin Tournament"- an interior of BC debate classic where DTSS novices went up against Kelowna and the West Kootenays in Rossland.  Chair: Students: Riley Von Neeson and Caoimhe Anderson, Grade 11 L'ship.
Community Christmas Craft Fair
This late November project  was a first-time project for Leadership, which had been asked to take on the task of organization and production of this community endeavor. It was named a huge success by the adults who had done so before and the donations were significant , returning to the community later by way of a donation to local charities at Christmas.(Chair: Tannis Hemmelgarn, Gr.11)